Social Responsibility
Environmental and Safety


MTID has established the KAISHE (Kaiteki Safety Health and Environmental) Committee which purpose to implement and handle efforts to improve financial values, technological innovation, sustainable contributions to society and the earth, occupational safety and health and prevention of environmental pollution.

KAITEKI is a sustainable condition that is comfortable for humans, society, and our earth. This committee involves all Departments in the Manufacturing site and representative Jakarta Office in implementing its programs, this committee also includes activities for emergency conditions (emergency conditions).

The definition of an emergency condition is earthquake, fire, chemical spills and explosion.

The achievements of the KAISHE FY 2022 Program are as follows:

  1. No environmental complaints
  2. There is no work accident at the Manufacturing site
  3. PROPER: Blue Level
  4. ISO 14001 certificate passed
  5. SMK3 Certificate passed
  6. Energy saving and chemical reduction.

1. No Environmental Complaints

FY 2022 (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023) there have been no complaints from neighbouring factories and government institutions regarding environmental management.

2. There is no Work Accident in the Manufacturing Site

As of today, December 12, 2023, 1125 working days have been reached without work accidents at manufacturing site (since 12 November 2020), meaning that it has been over 3 years. We should be grateful for this achievement for the contribution of all employees in carrying out daily work and we must maintain it for the following days.


Proper is an assessment of company performance related to environmental compliance.

Based on Decree of Minister of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia Number: SK.386/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/4/2023, related Results of Assessment of Company Performance Rating in Environmental Management in 2021 – 2022, there were 3,200 companies assessed by the Government (Ministry of Environment and Forestry), with the result 3,139 companies are rated, 32 companies had their ratings suspended, and 29 companies cannot be given a rating because they are no longer operating.

Proper Rating, there are 5 levels: GOLD; GREEN; BLUE; RED and BLACK.

  • GOLD,
    Has carried out environmental management more than required and has made 3R efforts (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), implement a sustainable environmental management system, and make efforts that are useful for the interests of the community in the long time. There are 51 companies.

  • GREEN,
    Have carried out environmental management more than required, already have an environmental management system, have a good relationship with the community, including making 3R efforts (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). There are 170 companies.

  • BLUE,
    Has made the necessary environmental management efforts in accordance with applicable provisions or regulations. There are 2,114 companies including MTID.

  • RED,
    Made an environmental management effort, but only partially achieved results that were in accordance with the requirements as regulated in the legislation. There are 802 companies.

  • BLACK,
    Not yet made an effort to manage the environment means, deliberately did not make efforts to manage the environment as required, and potentially pollute the environment. There are 2 companies.

MTID can maintain BLUE rating (as in previous years).

4. ISO 14001

MTID has implemented an environmental management system as evidenced by obtaining an Environmental Management System Certificate from the agency entitled to issue the certificate. MTID was first awarded a certificate in 2004. The Last Re-Audit was conducted in February 2022 and the certificate valid till March 2025.

5. OSH

Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSH). It has been implemented at MTID since 2002. The Last Certification was done in March 2023. For this OSH there are 166 criteria that must be met in accordance with Government Regulation No. 50 of 2012.

6. Energy Saving

As a follow up of the Safety, Health and Environment Policy, is to increase efficiency. For this reason, resource reductions must always be pursued.

For FY 2022, which included replacing fluorescent lamps with LED lights, the results obtained were a reduction in electricity usage of 1,780.92 kWh per month which was equivalent to a CO2 reduction of 19,041.60 kg/month.